We’ve compiled a list of our usual services below, but please get in touch if there’s anything else we can do to help your project. Holmes Orbital is about exciting scientific communication, whatever form that may take.
Advice for writers, researchers and designers to ensure that dialogue and plot points involving space travel, technology, and engineering are as scientifically accurate as they need to be while remaining engaging.
This can be in the form of early concept development or fine tuning, wherever your project currently is.
script/on-set consultancy
A jumping-off point for your art department, we can provide 3D models of spacecraft fit for your story.
We are also able to help fine tune your existing designs, providing insight that keeps the original vision while improving credibility.
spacecraft design
In-depth research tailored to the specific needs of your project, such as the feasibility of certain technologies or mission profiles.
World building or alien technology design. Being up-to-date and experience in existing space technology puts us in a great position to invent new, unique concepts for your story.
A lifetime in STEM means we’re well equipped to offer advice on broad scientific topics. Whether you’d like help writing an exam question, or need to know how mass spectrometry works in an autopsy, we’ll do our best to help.